
Herein, "the harmony among and within the human groups"will be discussed theoretically. The "harmony" mentioned here refers to the state in which the group members are in their own proper place, get along with one another peacefully, and have occasional conflicts among them that can get resolved in a timely manner. Meanwhile, the root causes of conflicts among and within the human groups are also analyzed, and against which possible theoretical solutions are proposed --- The human group members should advocate positive energy as the authority, remain conscientious and believe in love. Some of the author's what-if analyses herein are intended to urge people to be conscientious and obedient to rules. And the deep-seated causes which result in an imbalance of social order are explored herein, for which the original intention is to, by presenting facts and evidence, prove that people's conscience and self-discipline are the cornerstones of social order. At the same time, spiritual belief is the foundation for people to stick to their conscience. People should always be in awe and do as good deeds as possible they could. And only in this way can society, from the family level to the country level, be harmonious. The author believes such theoretical exploration to be conducive to creating a social atmosphere filled with integrity, friendliness, and harmony.
READ MORE人本来没有好坏之分,每个人都想拥有幸福快乐,都有追求它们的自由,但人类也有改变自己信仰的权利,而信仰连接到的能量可以决定一个人能否幸福快乐,信仰差异是人类世界很多问题的根源。你相信的他不相信,我认同的你未必认同,人人都会有自己的信念(人们信守的认知和结论),但这里的一念之差,却可以差出天地之别。